Fold a pocket square.
Gentlemen, folding a pocket square is an art.
Here are our tips for varying the pleasures and giving your jacket a suitably folded pocket square.
1. Fold your pocket square in four.
2. Fold it in half.
3. Then fold it again, from the bottom to the top, making sure to leave a piece of fabric uncovered. The height you get should be the same as the depth of your jacket pocket. This way, your pocket square will touch the bottom of the pocket and not fall to the bottom.
4. Place the pocket square in your jacket pocket, making sure it fills it well.

1. Fold your pocket square in four. Fold your pouch in half again asymmetrically so that two points are visible.
2. Fold the left side of your pouch into the center.
3. Do the same on the right side.
4. Slip your pouch into your jacket, and adjust.
The Antan Créations tip:
Give your fold the angle of the lapel of your jacket so that the collar and pocket are parallel. It's all the more elegant with a wide lapel, as is often the case with double-breasted jackets.

2. Pinch the top of the fabric with your other hand.
3. Bring the bottom of the pouch upwards, leaving part free.
4. Place your pouch inside your jacket and adjust it.

1. Lay your pocket square flat and, with your thumb and index finger, pinch the middle of the fabric, gently lifting the pocket square.
2. Pinch the top of the fabric with your other hand.
3. Turn your pocket square over so the points are at the top, and fold over the remaining piece of fabric, this will allow your pocket square to stay secure in your jacket.
4. Place it in your pocket and adjust it.

1. Lay your pocket square flat, point side up. It should be diamond shaped. Then fold your pocket in half to obtain a triangle.
2. Fold the left tip towards the bottom tip, then the right tip.
3. Fold the right and left points into the center of your pocket, then the bottom point.
4. Slip your pouch into your pocket, and adjust it.
Before becoming ANTAN Créations, our brand was called Pochette Square. From 2013 to 2018, it was the go-to brand for men looking for real pocket squares in silk, cotton or linen. We have chosen to preserve this know-how to offer this gentleman's accessory to all men who wish to add a touch of originality to their suits, jackets and blazers. In 2018, we expanded our pocket squares to also make them into scarves and in 2021, at the end of the COVID 19 pandemic, we chose our new name to speak to everyone, and finally become ourselves.